INERGIS Social care home in Jeziorany :

Social care home in Jeziorany

Gallery Description “Complex modernization of the heating system with the application of renewable sources of energy”


Within the framework of the investment the heating system of the building was modernized by implementing modern technologies availing of renewable sources of energy.
The following work tasks were carried out:


  • building of a solar installation, whose composition encompassed 48 solar collectors of an active surface area of
  • 235.68m2, fixed on detached bearing constructions, two buffering tanks, as well as Control and Measurement
  • Instruments and Automation installation and electrical installations,
  • disassembly of the old system and fixing new installation of central heating,
  • boilerhouse technology using biomass at a power of 500 kW,
  • heat network between the buildings realized with the technology of pre-insulated pipeline,
  • thermal modernization of the boilerhouse building and the technical support system encompassing insulation of walls and flat roof,
  • reinforced concrete chambers of fuel storage with approach ramp having a cubature of 250m3,
  • replacement of window and door joinery.


Modernization of the heating system significantly reduces costs in this area, simultaneously increasing the level of efficiency of the building complex as a whole.
Availing of renewable sources of energy has a favourable impact on the environment and the ecosystems functioning within it.

Date of realization: 04.2011 – 12.2011